
October 2024
Twenty poems published by Encres Vives editions, Lieu collection

September 2024
Poetry Webzin created by Jean-Albert Guénégan (Ecrivains de Bretagne)
Unpublished poem, "Avalon", "Celtique"
July 11th 2024
Poetry Webzin created by Jean-Yves Reuzeau (Castor Astral Editions Founder)
March 29th 2024
Literary Magazine Le PEN International Bosnia
April 17th 2023
L'INDÉLÉBILE, poetic and photographic Webzin created by Clémence Fontan-Moret
Poème Hôtel Grenadine © écrit par Anne Lemaître
Télécharger L'INDÉLÉBILE, le Numéro 2
L'Indélébile Mag | Numéro 02 by lindelebilemag - Issuu
Video Bic Pen DRAWING,
October 2021

Discussion with Anne Lemaître
Singulart Video, November 2020

Meeting Anne Lemaître
"Indians" Video, March 2017

March 6th 2023

January 2023

February 2022 : Tender Homage to old & new jobs
December 2020 : 5 minutes with Anne Lemaître

March 2018 : Discover Anne Lemaître paintings on Singulart.com

Septembre 2015 :
« De drôles de dames prennent le pouls de nos âmes », par Chris Dard

Vidéo de l'exposition TRIO SHOW - Septembre 2015 :

Septembre 2015 : Exposition Trio Show a la galerie Claire Corcia

Septembre 2015: Trio Show : Hélène DUCLOS, Anne LEMAÎTRE, Nathalie TACHEAU

L’Assocationdesgaleries.org, septembre 2015

Hélène Duclos, Anne Lemaitre, Nathalie Tacheau / Trio Show

« Art criticism is based on two points : the artist's meeting and the artwork's meeting. Sometimes you can be surprised by some routes and striking personalities. It was the case in meeting Anne Lemaître, a very demanding artist. Each Indian drawing is an enigma : it reveals a very singular poetry where anthropology is coping with a violently and supernatural onirism. Her paintings are full of dream (she is a tremendous artist focused on details). Cat women, mischievous monsters, singular piètas, precious landscapes....You will see all this in Anne Lemaître's artwork. And even more because : "Dream is another life" (S.Freud). » Yanitza Djuric, Art critic, 2017
"Anne Lemaître's marvellous and virtuosic drawings drive us in a space of energy, sensuality, and dreams. She lets us move into the future- in a world of beauty and science-fiction. You just have to hang on, so her creations will take you there … " Pierre Cornette de Saint Cyr, Art Dealer & Collector, 2016
"I looked your creations very carefully and did really enjoy its very honest and strange side; it is an uncompromising work, which is very rare in contemporary art now." Davor Vrankic, Artist, 2016
«I enjoyed your creative, dreamy and cheerful works.» Jean-Michel Ribes, Theater Director, 2016
« You mailed me about 50 pictures of your works since 2010 and I have always been amazed and impressed. What you do is talented. Strange too. I sincerely wish you to continue on this path. » Michel Houellebecq, Author, 2015
« All your paintings seem to be linked to a same story but at the same time this story disapears when you wish to make it clear. There is a contradiction between the precision of your graphic details and the enigma of the picture. I enjoy your inspiration and most your intuition. Time is on your side. » Gérard Garouste, Painter, 2015
« Your drawings are mysterious and tormented. They reveal a real depth. I saw some shadows and chasms . Vertigos. A space of hallucinations. But, at the same time, something very feminine. Maybe because of the childhood (very present in your work). There is some tenderness in your nightmares. » Dominique Bona, , 2012
« Your creation is sincerely singular and personal, inspired by surrealist culture and an inconscious world. » Antoine de Galbert, Art Collector,2011
« The colorful drawings from your series « Couples » are well done. Each brings its own message. Your graphic abilities are solid. Being inspired by the real life, here is the pure goal of art. The more you will be inspired by our society, the more humans will be touched by your work. I wish you to move on and to produce a lot to put on an exhibition. » Barthélémy Toguo, Artist, 2011
The artistic statement
Born in 1971, Anne Lemaître lives and works in Paris. At the age of 14, she was totally fascinated by Leonardo da Vinci sketchbooks and Albrecht Dürer etchings. In college, she discovered a picture of Max Ernst painting « The eye of silence » in a history book. Forever and at the very beginning, she is an art addict. But her school and professional routes were very conventional.In 2005, she attended the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and studied in Department of Print & Drawings in Louvre & Quai Branly Museums. She is encouraged in her artistic route by the french painter Gérard Garouste and the famous author Michel Houellebecq in 2010.
Anne Lemaître practises both drawing and painting. She uses a wide variety of medium - bic pen, colored pencils, inks, gouaches, collages, oil painting - to explore her favorite topics : spirituality, nature, childhood, and human soul ambiguity.
Her creation explores our reality and mythologies. Her work feeds on trips, medieval-surrealist and tribal masterpieces, poetry, and philosophy. They match with fantasy western history of art with non western myths to build a mysterious world. Her figurative and symbolic style reveals a fantasy and illusionist world : a daydream for magic & idealism. She travels between instinct and tradition, primitivism and realism, harshness and tenderness.